If you think that your hair is becoming thinner or you’re noticing small bald patches on your scalp, you may be experiencing female hair loss. Did you know roughly 50% of women will experience hair loss in their lifetime? Hair loss comes in many different forms, each with its own set of reasons. 

It is always recommended to consult a doctor, dermatologist, or trichologist as soon as possible, as they will be able to point you in the right direction. It is also valuable to educate yourself on the causes and symptoms of female hair loss and the various treatments, both medical and non-medical, on offer.

What defines female hair loss?

Hair loss in women is exactly what it sounds like: when a woman has an unexpected and significant loss of hair. Humans typically lose between 50 and 100 single hairs everyday, depending on their genetic makeup; if you are losing more than 125 hairs everyday, this may be hair loss. 

It is important to note that hair shedding is different to hair loss, and is a normal aspect of the body’s natural equilibrium; this refers to certain hairs falling out while others grow to maintain this balance. Hair loss occurs when this delicate balance is disrupted – that is, when more hair falls out and less hair grows back in.

What are the different phases of hair growth?

  • The anagen phase (or growing phase), which lasts between one and seven years. It is common for this phase to encompass around 85 percent to 90 percent of the hair on your head.
  • The catagen phase (transitional phase), which lasts around one to three weeks. This signals the end of the active growth of the hair.
  • The telogen phase ( resting phase), which lasts up to three months. The hair begins to fall out after this period.

Eyelashes, eyebrows, and arm and leg hair are examples of shorter hairs that have a brief anagen phase of around one month. In contrast, your scalp hair can grow for up to six years, and in some cases, much longer than that.


Female pattern hair loss, also known as androgenic alopecia, is the most common; however, there are many other types of female hair loss such as anagen effluvium, telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, and traction alopecia.

What is anagen effluvium hair loss?

Anagen effluvium hair loss is caused by the use of toxic chemicals, such as chemotherapy and radiation treatment, as well as certain drugs. This can result in hair loss anywhere on your body. 

This type of hair loss occurs when the hair is in the growing stage. This can sometimes be permanent if your hair follicles have been harmed.

What is telogen effluvium hair loss?

Telogen effluvium hair loss can occur when your body is subject to extreme physical stress or trauma. This type of hair loss is temporary, however may occur for extended durations. Types of trauma to cause telogen effluvium include significant weight loss, surgery, anemia, sickness, and childbirth.

Other common causes include:

  • Extreme emotional stress resulting from mental illness, the death of a loved one, or other circumstances
  • Thyroid disease
  • Blood pressure medications, gout medications, and large doses of Vitamin A are examples of medications and supplements
  • Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, menopause, or the use of birth control tablets

What is alopecia areata?

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune skin condition that causes patchy hair loss on the scalp and perhaps other areas of the body. It affects women more than men. Usually, it is not a long-term condition.

What is traction alopecia?

Traction alopecia is caused by consistently wearing hairstyles that tightly pull on the hair, such as ponytails, braids or dreadlocks. When detected early, it can be reversed; however, if left untreated and the hair follicles are injured, hair loss can be irreversible.

Female pattern hair loss

Female pattern hair loss is typically hereditary and is more common after menopause. It is important to recognise that the pattern of hair thinning differs between men and women when it comes to baldness and hair loss. In most cases, when men lose hair, it begins at the very front of the hairline and on the crown of the head.

Female pattern baldness is more widespread than male pattern baldness, however, it is more prominent around the head and their natural parting. It is uncommon for females to totally lose their real frontal hairline, and it is even more unlikely that they will go entirely bald.

Common symptoms and indications of female pattern hair loss include:

  • Seeing more hair come out regularly, whether it’s on your brush, on the floor, in showers, on your pillows, or in the sink.
  • Constantly seeing visible areas of thinner or missing hair, especially an increasingly large section on the top of your head.
  • Seeing the flesh of the scalp through the hair.
  • Having thinner ponytails.

What are some helpful tips for coping with female pattern hair loss?

There are certain things you can try on your own. You might consult with your stylist or attempt some of the following.

  • Colouring your hair gives your strands more volume, giving the appearance that your hair is fuller.
  • Promoting the blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles by massaging your head, such as while you are washing your hair.
  • Cutting your hair shorter and adding layers can give the appearance of having more volume in your hair.
  • Using the appropriate shampoo. Look for a shampoo that adds volume without the use of sulphate-based detergents in the formula.
  • Using the appropriate product at the appropriate time. Some products help to add volume to your hair that you may use while your hair is still damp.

What is the rate of female hair loss?

Many people believe that hair loss is an exclusively male problem, however, hair loss will affect around 50% of women in their lifetime. Female pattern hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss in women, affecting around one-third of those who are susceptible; this translates to over 30 million women in the United States.

What are some common misconceptions concerning hair loss?

There are many misconceptions concerning hair loss, including the following.

  • You’re losing hair because you shampoo too much, have dyed it, or backcomb it frequently.
  • Dandruff is a leading cause of irreversible hair loss.
  • Irreversible hair loss can be a result of stress.
  • If you shave your head, your hair will regrow twice as thick as it was originally.
  • You can stimulate hair development by standing on your head to enhance circulation and circulation in your body.
  • If you brush your hair 100 times a day, you will notice a difference in the health of your hair.
  • Hair loss is increased by hats and wigs.

What is the link between female hair loss and the onset of menopause?

When you are going through menopause, you may notice one of two things with your hair: you may start developing hair in places where you didn’t previously have any, or you may notice that your hair is becoming thinner.

One possible explanation is the fluctuating hormone levels that occur throughout menopause. Estrogen and progesterone levels are decreasing, which means that the effects of androgens, or male hormones, are becoming more pronounced.

Hair may become finer during and after menopause as a result of the shrinkage of hair follicles. In some circumstances, hair grows more slowly and falls out more easily than in the general population. 

Your healthcare professional can do a complete examination and obtain a thorough history to help you address variations in hair development. They may recommend that you have your iron levels or thyroid hormone levels evaluated. If it is found that the medication you are taking is affecting your hair loss or growth, your prescriptions may be adjusted.

Scalp micropigmentation as a treatment for female hair loss

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) for women is becoming an increasingly common solution for customers experiencing hair loss or thinning. Scalp Micropigmentation, also known as hair tattooing, is a method that provides a camouflaging option for men and women who are experiencing varying degrees of hair loss. The scalp is effectively shaded, which reduces the contrast between the hair and the scalp, giving the appearance of thicker, fuller hair than is actually there. SMP has been proven to give physical, emotional and psychological benefits to thousands of individuals.

The Process Is Different For Men And Women

The application of pigment is accomplished by splitting portions of existing hair and then depositing microdots of pigment in the appropriate areas of hair with a specialised needle. This the shorter hairs that are already there and conceals any bald spots. 

The procedure of Scalp Micropigmentation differs significantly between men and women. When it comes to men, the goal is to duplicate the hair follicles on their shaved heads. For women, it is a matter of masking the disparities by darkening the regions where their hair is obviously thinning, to create the illusion of a thicker head of hair overall. It is critical to get a skilled specialist to do the job at hand.

Is Scalp Micropigmentation the Best Solution?

Obviously, Scalp Micropigmentation is not the same as real hair. Rather, it is a technique that is used to seamlessly conceal bald spots or overall thinning of the hair. It is a fantastic option if you are searching for something non-surgical, non-invasive, and semi-permanent. With a few minor touch-ups every three to five years if required, your Scalp Micropigmentation can last for years and years! However, it is important to note that this procedure has been shown to be significantly more successful on brunettes and redheads than on females with blonde or light brown hair. 

To determine if Scalp Micropigmentation is your best option, you must speak to a qualified and experienced Scalp Micropigmentation Artist. Foli Sim is renowned for being Australia’s leading Scalp Micropigmentation provider, with three locations in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth. If you would like to restore the appearance of your hair and regain a new sense of confidence, you can book a free initial consultation with Foli Sim’s experts through their website.